Building A New Future For Transportation




Center for Advanced Transportation Technology and Climate Choice

CATTCC Community

The CATTCC Community is our classroom. This is about team building; working together for a better quality of life.  Through transportation didactics, knowledge is used with building Earth's sustainability, for transportation and urban growth.

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Urban Growth

There are three aspects to urban growth: environmental, economic, and social. All three of these areas must be addressed in sustainable urban growth planning. Gardens, seclusion spots and social interaction areas are amongst the multitude of vital considerations towards sustainable urban growth.

Urban Growth

Advanced Transit Technology

The building of new public transit is inevitable. Automobiles are an unsustainable form of transportation. As with sustainable urban growth, transit oriented development is the current methodology to reach sustainable urban growth. Advanced transit systems hold answers to modern transportation needs.

Advanced Transit

Future Transportation

This is an area of important discussion. How to build an efficient new mode of transportation? This requires a fresh perspective and physics. 

Future Transportation

- CATTCC answers questions -

Is there a definition for the word 'green'?

 The word "green" has entered society's vocabulary with ambiguity. The word "green" is more than just a word, it's a term to express a political feeling. 

Who cares about climate change?

The appropriate answer is "me". The honest answer: the actual term "climate change" is a political term to evoke emotions feelings for a political charge. Any person who thinks they are single-handedly powerful enough to change global weather conditions has a condition the psychiatric profession calls delusions of grandeur. California legislature banned the use of plastic straw which has been embraced as having a significant impact to stop "climate change". Are there actually any facts or data proof to validate anything? 

In California, there are 30 million registered vehicles. That's a number that validates how many cars and trucks contribute to road usage and air-quality degradation. However, since nearly all western society is based on the automobile centric land-use design, it is impossible to remove the automobile without making the land-use dysfunctional. 

Cars are huge contributors that transform carbon compounds which affect air-quality. The abnormal heating of carbon compounds affect natural chemical transitions in the weather. Replacing cars with efficient transportation is sustainable and will complement the reduction for carbon interaction with nature.

What is climate change?

The term "climate change" is similar to the word "green".

When will it happen?

"Climate change" will return to normal when cars and planes are replaced with efficient transportation vehicles.

Why doesn't anyone do anything about it?

When the term is political, only those who manipulate political phraseology can raise themselves to be the "heros" and cure to their dilemma.

Where will it change?

The problem is that the foundation of Western Civilization is unsustainable. Again, all urban growth is based on its source of transportation. Since Western Civilization is referred to as the Car Culture, the automobile is identified as the foundation to Western society. Every aspect of the automobile is unsustainable. There can only be a change to changing the negative effects of carbon chemical transitions when the automobile is replaced with something better.

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