Building A New Future For Transportation




Center for Advanced Transportation Technology and Climate Choice

 Urban Growth - Climate Change and Transportation


What Is "Green"?

CATTCC answers questions -

Is there a definition for the word 'green'?

'Green' is a color. It's hue is a mixture of blue and yellow.

The political reference to the word 'green' is politically construed to represent an idealistic environmental concept.

Who cares about climate change?

Everything is effected by changing climate.

What is climate change?

Referring this question to a search engine, the top sites belong to the government, so here's what it says:

"...climate is the weather..."

When will it happen?

Climate change is constant; sunrise to sunset and onto the next day weather changes.

Why doesn't anyone do anything about it?

The concept of reaching for an idealistic environment, serves to make the point that not all industrialization of society is good. Most of Western Society is built upon the automobile centric land-use design. But, the automobile is wholly unsustainable and building an entire society upon an unsustainable foundation is problematic.  

Where will it change?

Change begins with a choice. All urban growth is based upon its source of transportation. Since Western Society is based upon the automobile as its primary source of transportation, there has to be a viable alternative to the automobile. So, the change begins with a new mode option for transportation.


CATTCC is here to find a new mode of transportation. We're looking to the physics of gravity to provide a means of motion for transportation. The CATTCC membership is a way for people to support our efforts and be involved in creating choices for transportation's future.   


Do you feel like you have something to say about climate change that makes a difference? 

Do you want your voice to be heard? 

As a CATTCC member, your input is important.   

CATTCC wants to have you express your concerns, we want to hear from you. How? Post your comments.

Being informed builds a stronger voice.  Join CATTCC, you'll gain knowledge about sustainable transportation and its impact on climate change. 

Get involved in making the planet better, talk to your friends about joining here, find new friends here at CATTCC. 

FREE Membership

Free Membership consists of participating in social media pages on existing platforms.  Other CATTCC members choose to join and even lobby for unifying advanced transit technology industry implementation standards.  Other members find their efforts in recommending directions for sustainable urban growth. And others want to help in the research to discover a new mode for sustainable transportation.

Members who financially support CATTCC receive a exclusive sustainable transportation resources, monthly email newsletters and notification of CATTCC special events.  All members receive relevant resources on sustainability and have the opportunity to participate with related educational materials.   

Support As Monthly Member

Let's Talk

The first step in change is discovery of where we are.  Earth's climate change has happened as a reaction of industrialization. Unsustainable urban growth is a process of inefficient and unsustainable transportation. CATTCC is a place where people can find ways to implement efficient and sustainable transportation. Add your voice with your free or paid CATTCC membership.

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