Building A New Future For Transportation




Center for Advanced Transportation Technology and Climate Choice

Short Distance Transportation

Dec 18, 2023

Transportation solutions for short distance travel is by levitation 

In the search of finding transportation solutions, it’s necessary to have a new perspective. What’s currently used for all modern modes of transportation? Propulsion. What else can be used as a method of transportation? There are at least two possibilities; gravity and levitation. The attraction of gravity can be considered as a methodology for long-distance travel.


One of Viktor Schauberger philosophical statements says: comprehend and copy nature. In the search for efficient transportation methodologies, his reference can be applied to the sustainability of motion. Another scientist claiming discoveries on the side of fringe science was Viktor Grebennikov’s. One of his discoveries was a claim to have built a floating transportation device. This is a possible application for a short distance transportation technology. 

Short distance travel has to account for Earth’s gravitational attraction. What methodology of motion can be used for short distance transportation? This can use a methodology of floatation. A levitating device. Maglev is currently used for levitating trains in China. Maglev requires a guideway, its use is exclusive to transit oriented land-use design. Train technology is dysfunctional in the automobile centric land-use design of Western Society. Floatation of a levitating vehicle is still viable without the necessity of a guideway infrastructure.


Land-use and transportation

With the four types of land-use, urban design has two: transit oriented and automobile centric land-use design. The transit-oriented design accommodates building magnetic levitation (maglev) guideways. Maglev technology provides efficient energy use in building transportation networks, sufficient to meet transportation demands with a transit oriented land-use design. Reducing vehicle sizes and increasing headways is this natural progression for technological advance.

For the automobile centric land-use design, developing an automobile alternative is possible with levitation. The fundamental concept to comprehend and copy nature is the only answer in finding a transportation solution to replace the car. The alternative has to be comparable in many ways to the automobile.


Western Society has shifted technologically since the invention of the automobile of 125 years ago. With its massive increase in population, transportation needs are more independent. As the population grows, the transportation demands are critically more independent. Destination locations are diverse instead of centralized.  This requires a lesser vehicle size and an increase for safety protection.


What type of technology can be researched and studied to provide a transportation solution to replace the automobile? It’s clearly understood that the solution has to be more convenient, faster, less expensive, and safer than a car. This automatically leads to the knowledge that such a technology is energy efficient with a very simple engineering design. Where does this lead to? Viktor Grebennikov’s Cavity Structure’s Effect, with a study of crystalline structures and polymers.

There is a particular philosophy as an approach to this study. Being on the leading edge of scientific exploration requires a fresh perspective. This fringe directive calls for clarity. It’s a different path than the standard procedure of human intellectualism. To comprehend and copy nature with a fresh perspective is to follow the ways of truth, seeking righteousness. The path is exceeding entertaining and exciting. It pursues truth found in Godly wisdom.


Short distance transportation

Viktor S. Grebennikov discovered the cavity structural effect (CSE). This led to his claim of having developed a levitating transportation device. Here are the details of Viktor’s experimentation in his discovery of the CSE:

 I have created a few dozen artificial honeycombs from plastic, paper, metal and wood, based on the structures of bee nests. It turned out that the cause of all those unusual sensations was not a biological field, but the size, shape, quantity and arrangement of cavities formed by and in any solid object. And as before, the organism felt it, while the instruments remained silent. I called the discovery the Cavity Structures Effect (CSE) and I have carried on with my experiments. Nature has continued to reveal to me its innermost secrets one after another. It has turned out that the CSE zone inhibits the growth of saprophytic soil bacteria, inhibits the growth of yeast and other similar cultures as well as it inhibits wheat grain germination. The behavior of microscopic agile chlamydospores also changes in this effective zone. Leaf cutting bee larvae begin to phosphoresce, while adult bees are much more active in this field and finish pollination two weeks earlier than they would otherwise. It has turned out that this CSE, same as gravitation, can't be shielded.

What do we find in this CSE field? Viktor refers to it as a zone. Then we have to ask, what is an electromagnetic field in its relation to a toroidal field? What are the similarities? Viktor says the CSE can’t be shielded. An electromagnetic field is easily shielded. The immediate distinction is that the field of a CSE has a crystalline type configuration. A magnetic field has a round shape.

Due to the claim of Viktor Grebennikov having built a levitating platform, investigating this as a possible methodology for short distance transportation is an absolute necessity. Legitimacy of its claim is up to the fringe scientific community and their capability to replicate his work.

Viewing a CSE at the subatomic level, what does it show? It’s a crystal shape that emits a specific frequency. This is common to crystalline structures. In comparing this view to electromagnetic fields on a subatomic level, an electromagnetic field is specific to a ferrous reaction from an electric/magnetic charge. The crystalline structure is a passive frequency generator. A magnet is a molecular combination of electron structures that cause/provide ferrous reaction of attraction or repulsion due to element electron’s action.


The exploration of these questions is the continuing search for the purpose of a levitating platform that functions as a short distance transportation device.

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